The EMERGENCE network activities have been structured into five distinct work packages designed to achieve the network objectives across the lifetime of the project funding period, Feb 2022 - Jan 2025.

An icon depicting a sheet of paper with various sized boxes and the top right corner folded forward

Work Package 1

Understanding requirements to assess, self-manage and reduce frailty
Lead: Prof. Mark Hawley, University of Sheffield

Objective 1:

To work with our clinical and care-provider partners and user groups to translate current health and social care challenges and best practice in managing, assessing, monitoring and reducing frailty, into a set of person-centred use cases and scenarios.

Activities for achieving objective 1:



The establishment of an open access data repository of requirements, use cases and scenarios, capturing a broad range of contexts and reducing unecessary description, allowing other groups to build on this knowledge.

An icon depciting a computer chip and connections
An icon depicting a book with a simple robot design on the cover

Work Package 2
Co-creation of intelligent robotics solutions - Feasibility Studies
Lead: Prof. Alessandro Di Nuovo, Sheffield Hallam University

Objective 2:

To step-up our capacity to design and test healthcare robotic solutions, within our unique multi-disciplinary network of connected living lab test beds embedded in the community, guided and informed by health and social care experts. 

Objective 3:

To establish best practice guidelines for the design and development of healthcare robotics solutions, addressing self-management of frailty and human-robot interfaces for people with age-related sensory, physical and cognitive impairments.

Activities for achieving objectives 2 and 3:



Encouragement of novel ideas for healthcare robotic solutions within living lab test beds to drive co-designed, innovative and multidisciplinary research leading to robotic services capable of transforming how frailty is managed in the community.

An icon depicting a page of images and text

Work Package 3
Defining safety, regulatory and ethical frameworks for integration
Lead: Prof. Farshid Amirabdollahian, University of Hertfordshire

Objective 4: 

To lead the definition of safety, regulatory and ethical requirements and frameworks, ensuring that healthcare robotic solutions are easily deployed and integrated as part of frailty care.

Activities for achieving objective 4:



Understanding and definition of the safety, ethical and regulatory requirements needed to ensure that any healthcare robotic solutions that are developed can be easily deployed and integrated as part of optimal frailty care packages.

An icon depicting a person stood next to a list of tasks

Work Package 4
Future care workforce skills for integration of healthcare robotics into care
Lead: Prof. Mauro Dragone, Heriot-Watt University

Objective 5:

To identify gaps in the skill sets of carers and therapists that might prevent them from making effective use of robotics solutions and to inform the development of professional and CPD training content to address these gaps.

Activities for achieving objective 5:



Ensure that the future care workforce have the skills to support and integrate assistive robot solutions into exisiting or adapted frailty care pathways.

An icon depicting two people with arrows moving between them in a circular shape. In the middle is a circle with a chain link in the middle

Work Package 5
Network activity dissemination and Knowledge Exchange
Lead: Prof. Praminda Caleb-Solly, University of Nottingham

Objective 6:

To engage with academic researchers, clinicians, patients, policy makers and funding bodies to create better public and healthcare awareness and acceptance of the potential of healthcare robotics to address frailty.

Activities for achieving objective 6:



Increased understanding and acceptance of the potential of healthcare robotics to address frailty, ensuring there is increased awarenesss of best practice for technology-enabled frailty management and design of person-centric robotics solutions.
