“We believe that people need affordable solutions that are bespoke to their needs, and which provide maximal value by being modular in their functionality.” 

Project Overview

Project completion: 31/07/2024 

What do a robot and a table have in common? On the surface not much but through the RoboBrico project we would show the similarities.  

RoboBrico started with the overall aim of advancing the acceptance and use of robotic platforms in care homes. In order to accomplish this aim we proposed to design and build a hydration module for the RoboBrico platform that was co-designed with the residents, their families and staff of a care home.  

Poor hydration is an issue faced by many residents of care homes, not from neglect of the staff, but suffering from poor hydration can have serious cognitive problems. 

Over the course of the project we ran an observational study to improve our knowledge of the facility and of staff and residents’ interactions, three co-design sessions where we worked with the residents on their current methods of hydration and discussed any problems they had, then presented our initial prototypes and what they would change, and then the final prototype development followed by a day-long live deployment in the Viewpoint Care Home.  

From our observational study we also noted that to properly deploy a robot in a care home there should be a greater use of simulation; however, accurate 3D models of this type of facility cannot be found at present and so through working with Viewpoint we began conducting a full 3D mapping of the Viewpoint buildings. 

We found that there was a sense of trepidation to interacting with robots, in our first co-design the Viewpoint residents expressed a real sense of unease when discussing robots. But come the second and third where they had worked with us and discussed their desire for a robot and we had shown the different iterations there developed a greater sense of acceptance of robots as the project went on. RoboBrico robotic platform navigated around the central area that residents spent time and was able to distribute water to residents who wanted it over the course of a day. 

The RoboBrico project allowed us to explore how a robot can be used in a care home by building a constructive and collaborative relationship with the staff and residents taking into account their range of views on robots and more importantly what they would gain from both the acceptance for the usage of robots and from the actual robot. 

Project Outcomes


The project delivered a two-module robotic platform that could be safely deployed in a care home; it could map the area in which it was to work and autonomously navigate around that area; it also allowed residents to fill up their cups with water and provide potentially much needed hydration.  



When working with and in a care home there are a multitude of factors to take into account which include: 



Project Deliverables

We developed a modular robotic robot which can then be split into two separate modules: 


Overall, a functional robotic platform was created and deployed in the Viewpoint Care home as can be seen in figure 1


A set of 3D maps of the Viewpoint care home have been created (examples can be seen in figure 2 and 3). These are being expanded on to create a complete map of the entire facility with the aim of both providing Viewpoint with an important asset for their future planning as well as a testing platform that we hope can be shared within the EMERGENCE network for all robotics groups to use. 



Figure 1: RoboBrico about to begin a hydration round in the main living area of Viewpoint 

Figure 2: Sitting area for Viewpoint Residents with partial corridor view.  

Figure 3: Exterior of Craft Cafe with varied slope access and stairs

Project Team

Dr Alistair MacConnell

(Principal Investigator)

Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University

Dr Mary-Ellen McKendrick

Associate Professor in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University

Ms Camila Jiminez Pol

Kompanion Co-founder, Chief Design Officer.
User Researcher and Product & Industrial Designer

Mr Alexandre Colle

Kompanion Co-founder, CEO
Edinburgh Centre for Robotics CDT RAS Student

Mr Scott Macleod

Kompanion Co-founder.
Robotics PhD Student at Heriot-Watt University

Dr Ronnie Smith

Kompanion Co-founder.
Senior Robotics Engineer at The National Robotarium, Heriot-Watt University

Mr Andy Coleman

Entrepreneur in Residence for The Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh

Mentored by:

Dr. Mauro Dragone