An opportunity for SMEs to explore the challenges for deployment of intelligent systems and robotics in health and social care. 

If you are interested in booking a mini workshop with the research team please email

When and Where?

Date & Time: To be agreed by mutual arrangement
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Online

About this event 

The EPSRC funded EMERGENCE Healthcare Technologies Network+ are hosting a series of mini workshops for companies and organisations involved in the development of intelligent and robotic systems for health and social care. 

Ensuring that healthcare professionals, such as carers and therapists, are able to set up and proficiently use the technology is vital for enabling the effective use of emerging solutions enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotic technology. As part of our work package on future care workforce skills for integration of healthcare robotics into care, we have been identifying gaps and requirements for these technologies from the perspective of healthcare professionals. 

This workshop will provide companies who develop healthcare technologies with an understanding of what we have learned regarding these gaps and an opportunity to reflect on how this learning could be incorporated to improve and develop technologies so that they are more easily adopted by healthcare professionals.

During the workshop, participants will:

To book a mini workshop with the research team please email