Call for Contributions
Invitation for Contributions
Please submit a 2 page extended abstract of your research relating to the Topics of Interest below for showcasing your research in the Poster session.
Selected abstracts and posters will be made available from this workshop website. Please submit your abstract to c.o’ with the Subject: IROS2022 PosterPodcast submission [Name of Lead Author]
We are also inviting health and social care professionals to attend the workshop. We would like health and social care professionals to submit a video message (5 mins) on burning issues for Robotics and Autonomous Systems in care (barriers/constraints/opportunities). We will post these on this workshop website and select five for the workshop for the discussion session. Please email your video message to with the Subject: IROS2022 Video Message Submission [Name of Health/Social Care Professional].
Topics of Interest
Verification and validation of human-robot interaction systems for physically assistive robots.
Interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to robotics and autonomous systems for health and social care.
Risk assessment and hazard analysis when bringing assistive robotics to real-world environments (homes, care facilities and hospitals).
Stakeholder (end-users, carers, relatives, therapists, clinicians) requirements in safe human-robot interaction.
Continual professional development needs for health care professionals who operate robotics.
Robot capabilities for self-assessment of operational safety and risk management.
Estimation of probabilities and models of unintended behaviours by both robots and humans.
Approaches for modelling and assessing safety of physically assistive robots.
User trust and safe human-robot interaction, including accessibility issues for people with disabilities.
Hazard analysis approaches, capability to deal with uncertainty, context awareness.
Regulation compliance for safety in physically assistive robots.
Innovation policy and instruments needed to best align regulation and co-creation research in robotics.
Poster & Podcast Session
We invite contributions for a unique poster and podcast presentations of early ideas, experimental results and open research questions. Research posters will be submitted in the usual format. Poster participants will be invited for short question and answer interviews either before or after the session in order to create an online hub of content for the workshop, especially useful for those not able to travel.
Abstracts for the poster session should be 2 pages, prepared using the IEEE double column format. Please submit your abstract to c.o’ with the Subject: IROS2022 PosterPodcast submission [Name of Lead Author]
Important Dates
Submission of workshop poster abstracts (PosterPodcast Session): 28/09/2022
Notification of acceptance for workshop: 01/10/2022
Submission of camera-ready workshop abstracts, poster A2 size, and proof of workshop registration: 07/10/2022
Workshop: 23rd October 2022